Literacy Connects was founded in July 2011 in Tucson by the merger of five literacy organizations. The organizations are:
- Reach out and Read
- Reading Seed
- Stories that Soar
- Literacy Volunteers of Tucson
- Literacy Connects Coalition
An early literacy resource for Southern Arizona, Make Way for Books, as part of the statewide “Read On Arizona” initiative, partners with TUSD-PACE and the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona to develop children’s language, literacy, and higher order thinking skills. One of their goals is to get books into the hands of small children, even before they go to elementary school.
First Book is a national organization partnering with companies and organizations, including Target, Disney Publishing, Pi Beta Phi, and United Way, to make high-quality books and educational materials for children of all ages – including digital resources – available to schools. Any classroom, school, library, or program that serves children from low-income families can get new books and digital resources by signing up with First Book.
Reading is Fundamental (RIF) is the largest children’s literacy nonprofit group in the United States. The organization prepares and motivates children to read by delivering free books and literacy resources to children and families who need them most. RIF’s highest priority is reaching underserved children from birth to age 8.
Red Mountain High School in Mesa, Arizona has a student organization, “Club RIF,” whose volunteer work is described under the heading “What We Do.”
International Collection of Children’s and Adolescent Literature, University of Arizona College of Education. Search this site for thousands of books, from all regions and countries of the world. Their mission is to build bridges across global cultures through children’s and adolescent literature.
Kids Need to Read works to create a culture of reading for children by providing inspiring books to underfunded schools, libraries, and literacy programs across the United States, especially those serving disadvantaged children.